Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Common Core State Standards

As of today, 44 states and provinces (including the District of Columbia) have volitionally adopted the Common Core Standards and the remaining states are continuing to evaluate them. Why is the Common Core State Standards Initiative succeeding when other attempts have died out? The key reason is state and local involvement from the ground up. However, this latest push to adopt the standards gained some extra momentum when the Obama Administration set participation in the development of and adoption of the Common Core Standards as one of the criteria for states to receive money from the stimulus funds.

Coordinated by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), the standards were developed through a collaborative effort of concerned teachers, administrators, education experts, and parents. The purpose, according to the Initiative's website is "to provide a clear and consistent framework to prepare our children for college and the workforce."

To partner with educators throughout the country, KAMICO® Instructional Media provides excellent supplemental materials through our STANDARDS CONNECTION® series of Assessment and Developmental books, GAME GALLERY® games, and DATA CONNECTION® testing and data analysis software. As with all of KAMICO's materials, they are scientifically research-based and designed to challenge every student so that they can master their state's standards.
We are confident that we can help you too. Please contact us if you have any questions or need further information.
Visit our website, choose your state from the drop-down menu to learn more, read testimonials from actual educators who have successfully used KAMICO materials, and view samples of STANDARDS CONNECTION.

Assessment Series™

Diagnostic assessments for Grades 1-12

Content Areas: math, reading, writing, social studies, and science
      • 15-20 assessments per grade level and subject area
      • Languages: English and Spanish
      • Maximizes student achievement
      • Covers a mixture of state standards on each assessment
      • Validated by scientifically based research
      • Filled with rich, rigorous content
      • Facilitates comprehension and increased retention
      • Allows quick identification of standards for which students are in need of remediation
      • Identifies mastery levels
Developmental Series™

Assessments, games, activities, and investigations to develop, reinforce, and enrich skills for individual students, partners, small groups, teams, and entire classes.

Grades 1-12

Content Areas:  math, reading, writing, social studies, and science
      • 25-70 assessments and activities per grade level and subject area
      • Each assessment covers a specific state standard
      • Each game, activity, or investigation reinforces or enriches a specific state standard
      • 600-1500 pages per grade level and subject area
      • Languages: English and Spanish
      • Validated by scientifically based research
      • Created with rich, meaningful content
      • Develops and extends knowledge of state standards
      • Contains engaging, customized instruction
      • Adjusts to meet various levels of cognitive demand
      • Filled with enrichment activities to extend skill mastery and expand critical-thinking skills
      • Facilitates peer interaction and communication
      • Decreases student behavior problems
      • Supports differentiated instruction

part of the Connection® series

Games, activities, and investigations to develop, reinforce, and extend student knowledge of state standards—created for individual students, partners, small groups, teams, and entire classes

Grades 1-12

Content Areas: math, reading, writing, stocial studies, and science
        • Languages: English and Spanish
        • Over 300 titles
        • Includes clear, concise directions
        • Comes ready to play with all parts included—tokens, dice, calculators, rulers, etc.
        • Contains colorful, engaging graphics
        • Filled with enrichment activities incorporating critical thinking to extend and enhance reasoning
        • Involves focused skill practice
        • Promotes student collaboration and interaction
        • Validated by scientifically based research

Data Connection®
part of the Connection® series

Grades K-12

Data Analysis, Tracking, and Reporting System
Sate-of-the-art technological system that disaggregates student data by individual student, class, grade, school, district, and demographic group (at risk, Title I, SES, etc.)
  • Curriculum standards for each of the fifty states included in database
  • Ability to align any assessment to any fo the fifty (50) states' curriculum standards

KAMICO® Instructional Media is Now Meeting Friends and Acquaintances All Around the Worldwide Web.
Come Visit and Make Us Your Friend.
KAMICO Representatives will be appearing at the following Conferences and Vendor Events in November.
Come by our Exhibitor booth, we would love to meet you.
Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching
@Dallas Convention Center
650 S. Griffin St., Dallas, TX
November 17-19, 2011
Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented
Professional Development Conference

Austin Convention Center
500 East Cesar Chavez Blvd.
November 30-December 2, 2011
Linking Teacher Evaluation to Student Test Scores: Wrong 25% of the Time
Nowhere is the disconnect between billionaires and public school teachers more stark than when it comes to merit pay proposals. So why are self-anointed "reformers" pushing this agenda?

Read the whole story here.
Senate Panel Advances ‘No Child’ Law Rewrite
Anger over the Obama administration’s No Child Left Behind waiver plan prodded lawmakers to approve a bill that would greatly reduce Washington’s role in overseeing public schools.

Read the whole story here.
Schools struggle to meet standards
While adequate yearly progress from No Child Left Behind climbs to unreachable heights, many schools have shifted their attention to Measure of Academic Progress tests and common core standards.
Read the whole story here.

Norfolk meeting looks at educational 'core curriculum'
Who says Virginians aren't interested in the common core curriculum? The math and literacy standards have been adopted by well over 40 states; Virginia is one of the few not on board.

Read the whole story here.


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