Students entering high school will no longer face grade-specific assessments. The STAAR program replaces those with 12 "end-of-course" (EOC) assessments. Those EOC assessments are: Algebra I, geometry, Algebra II, biology, chemistry, physics, English I, English II, English III, world geography, world history, and U.S. history. KAMICO® Instructional Media introduces STAAR CONNECTION™ — our research-based Diagnostic Series™ (part of the CONNECTION® series) to ensure Texas students master the new standards and achieve success.
- 15-20 assessments per grade level and subject area
- Languages: English and Spanish
- Maximizes student achievement
- Covers a mixture of TEKS assessed on STAAR on each assessment
- Validated by scientifically based research
- Filled with rich, rigorous content, such as challenging reading selections, media literacy pieces, real world science problems, and stimulating writing prompts
- Facilitates comprehension and increased retention
- Allows quick identification of TEKS for which students are in need of remediation
- Identifies mastery levels
TEKS-based games, activities, and investigations
Grades 1-12
Content Areas: math, reading, writing, social studies, and science

- Develops, reinforces, and extends student knowledge
- Created for individual students, partners, small groups, teams, and entire classes
- Languages: English and Spanish
- Over 300 titles
- Includes clear, concise directions
- Comes ready to play with all parts included—tokens, number cubes, calculators, rulers, etc.
- Contains colorful, engaging graphics
- Filled with enrichment activities incorporating critical thinking to extend and enhance reasoning
- Involves focused TEKS practice
- Promotes student collaboration and interaction
- Validated by scientifically based research
Data Anaylsis, Tracking, and Reporting System
State-of-the-art system that disaggregates student data by individual student, class, grade, school, district, and demographic group (at risk, Title 1, SES, etc.)
Grades K-12
Network, Stand-Alone, or Web-Browser Based
• Puts data-driven decision-making at your fingertips
• Provides RTI implementation support
• Includes in the database TEKS for every subject area and grade level
• Allows for alignment of questions on any assessment to the TEKS
• Contains clear, easy-to-read graphics, charts, and tables

• Captures and analyzes longitudinal data
• Generates information needed to plan effective instruction
• Provides information needed to close achievement gaps
Click here if you would like more information directly from the Texas Education Agency FAQ page.
Click here to order STAAR CONNECTION™ books or games for your school district, school, or classroom.
Stay Tuned. Our next blog entry will focus on National Common Core State Standards.
KAMICO® Instructional Media is Now Meeting Friends and Acquaintances All Around the Worldwide Web.
Come Visit and Make Us Your Friend.
KAMICO Representatives will be appearing at the following Conferences and Vendor Events in October and November.
Come by our Exhibitor booth, we would love to meet you.

Vendor Fair for Purchasing Co-Op
@ HCDE Conference Center
6300 Irvington Boulevard, Houston, TX
October 28, 2011

TEPSA 2011 Fall Summit
@The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel
1601 Lake Robbins Drive, The Woodlands, TX
November 3-4, 2011
Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching
@Dallas Convention Center
650 S. Griffin St., Dallas, TX
November 17-19, 2011
@The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel
1601 Lake Robbins Drive, The Woodlands, TX
November 3-4, 2011
Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching
@Dallas Convention Center
650 S. Griffin St., Dallas, TX
November 17-19, 2011

Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented
Professional Development Conference
Austin Convention Center
500 East Cesar Chavez Blvd.
November 30-December 2, 2011
Professional Development Conference
Austin Convention Center
500 East Cesar Chavez Blvd.
November 30-December 2, 2011
With apologies to Captain Kirk …
For Texas educators, students, and parents, new state-mandated test days may be referred to as “STAAR Dates.”

Could you pass the world history STAAR test?
Read the whole story here.
Read the whole story here.

Could you pass the world history STAAR test?
The following questions were adapted from questions released by the Texas Education Agency for the world history end-of-course STAAR exam.
Read the whole story here.
Last Tuesday, Senator Tom Harkin (D–IA) introduced a much-anticipated proposal to rewrite No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and has announced that committee markup on the legislation will begin this Wednesday.
Read the whole story here.
Leadership you can count on. KELO-LAND TV and KELOLAND.com deliver news, weather and sports for South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska and North Dakota.
Read the whole story here.
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